The 36 best user onboarding examples from analyzing 150+ companies

Laura Kluz and Ramli John

Head of Content (ProductLed) and Director of Content (Appcues)

Laura Kluz and Ramli John

Head of Content (ProductLed) and Director of Content (Appcues)

Last Updated
July 5, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
11 minutes

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Most product-led businesses focus on signup conversion.

But if you do the math, optimizing the user onboarding process is much more impactful to your company's growth.

That’s why we set out to analyze more than 150+ user onboarding experiences. We looked at emails. We looked at product tours. We looked at social proof.

Guess what? The world’s best product-led companies share some common user onboarding traits. 

And today, I’m going to share them with you. 

Below are eight findings with multiple user onboarding examples of each in action so you can find inspiration from product-led companies doing it right. 

So what do the best user onboarding examples have in common?

  1. The best onboarding experiences leverage social proof, with data, testimonials, and conversion rates
  2. Email verification walls are conversion killers
  3. Unnecessary steps discourage users from completing the onboarding experience
  4. Product tours should be action-focused vs. informational in nature
  5. Segmenting users increases their likelihood to finish onboarding
  6. Describing “what” and not “why”– a strong focus on the users’ goal is the most important step most companies fail to address
  7. Show helpful empty states that encourage the user to complete the next step
  8. Behavior-based emails are great prompts to encourage users to re-enter the product

Now, let's dive see those best user onboarding examples in action.

Finding #1: The best onboarding experiences leverage social proof, with data, testimonials, and conversion rates  

Let’s look at the six basic types of social proof:

  1. Expert's stamp of approval
  2. Celebrity endorsement
  3. Trust icons
  4. Data 
  5. Customer testimonials
  6. Reviews

You should use at least one of these in a business onboarding experience.

Let’s see them in action. 


First up: Calendly

Here’s their homepage. 

Here’s why the copy works:

  • Reiterates Calendly's benefit — smarter scheduling.
  • 20 million is a number that truly stands out. They're saying this works.
  • They show several logos of companies that have successfully used it. 


Next up is ShipBob.

Here’s why it works:  

  • They use three types of social proof – testimonials, data, and a review.
  • ShipBob places a strong emphasis on data points, and you can download their yearly State of E-commerce Fulfillment Report.


Before you even sign up for Calm’s meditation and sleep app, they ask users what their intention is. 

Here’s why it works: 

  • The data reinforces the reason visitors might be signing up for the app. 
  • The soft visuals and quotes set the expectation of feeling "calm."


Next is Lucidchart’s signup page.

best user onboarding example: lucidchart signup page

Here's why the testimonial works:

  • The photo of Todd humanizes the quote.
  • It reinforces the ease, functionality, and purpose of Lucidchart.


Here we have another great example from Monday.

Here’s why it works:  

  • It includes well-known logos like Canva and Coca-Cola.
  • 225k+ customers use it already — that means it must be good!


Another great example from Deputy

Here's why the reviews work:

  • Showcasing reviews stands out and is different than using testimonials or logos (at the very least, it’s worth an experiment).
  • Deputy shows their ratings and how many reviews they have.


Another prime example is during Wave’s account signup process. 

Wave as a best user onboarding example for their reviews

Here’s why the copy works: 

  • They sell you how many invoices have been sent –  $24 billion.
  • They tied it back to the benefit, “designed to get you paid 3x faster.”


Another great example is Loom.

Best user onboarding example: Loom's getting started guide

Here's what works:

  • They got their CEO (an expert in this space) to showcase the product.
  • The story Jay shares is very personal.
  • It’s very meta! A Loom showing how Loom works.


One of the world’s leading e-commerce platforms also does a great job with this.

Here’s what they have in their onboarding email. 

Shopify as a best user onboarding example for their testimonials

Here’s why the testimonial works:

  • It addresses the challenge for most ecommerce entrepreneurs: lack of knowledge and resources.


The social proof lives on their pricing page. 

SparkToro pricing page as one of the best user onboarding examples for their testimonials

Here’s why it works: 

  • Each testimonial shows a different use case for SparkToro.
  • Bold phrases in the quotes show the tangible outcome of using the tool.


One of the most popular language-learning apps shows great social proof directly on their free-to-paid trial signup page.

Duolingo as a best user onboarding example for their statistics

Here’s why the copy works:

  • It speaks to the desired outcome of people who signed up for Duolingo — completing a course and learning a new language!

Finding #2: Email verification walls are conversion killers

It's become the standard for most apps. 

Users sign up. They hit a page: "Please verify your email."

Users wait for the email.

Minutes pass, and it's still not there. 

They check spam. It's still not there. 

So they give up.

We've found that 30-50% of signups don't verify their email. Why?

  • Maybe they're spammers.
  • Maybe they got impatient.
  • Maybe they're tire-kickers

Whatever the reason, it could be hurting your growth more than you think.

Before we dive into examples of how to handle this, let me tell you a story. 


Snappa required every new signup to activate their email address before logging into the product. This is what the activation email looked like:

Snappa's email confirmation as an example of good best practices for user onboarding

But 27% of all Snappa’s signups never ended up activating their email address.

These new users simply signed up and never touched foot in the product, ever.

Snappa removed the activation step right at the beginning of the onboarding process and started to see their MRR grow substantially.

Snappa's MRR growth after removing activation email

Now let’s look at some solutions if you’re worried about removing this step. 


If your email bounced after signing up, you're notified in a red banner that they couldn't deliver the verification email.'s email verification banner

This allows the user to try out the product instantly. 


PandaDoc requires users to verify their email before they can begin sending a document. 

PandaDoc email verification banner


If you're worried about spam, use RECAPTCHA. 

Best user onboarding example: RECAPTCHA in Snappa's sign up page.

Finding #3: Unnecessary steps discourage users from completing the onboarding

In our experience, well over 30% of required user onboarding steps are rubbish. Yes, yours too. 

There are form fields that you don’t need to ask people when signing up. There are required steps that first-time users don’t need to complete right away. And, of course, some steps don’t need to be there at all.

Every field, button click, and page is an opportunity for users to abandon your app for good. 

Take a look at this form field. Would you sign up for this?

Sign up process with many form fields

Probably not. 

That's why it's essential to vet every single step in your process. To do that, you should check out this article.

In the meantime, let’s look at some examples of companies doing this right. 


In Grammarly’s signup process, they practice progressive disclosure so that necessary steps don’t feel overwhelming.

At first, only one field is visible. The moment you tell them what team you are on, a second field appears to ask how many people are on your team, and so on.

Grammarly's signup process for the best user onboarding experience.


The second approach to simplifying complex forms is to break them up into multiple pages. 

Shopify achieves this in its signup process. On the first page, they ask one question about your e-commerce business:

Once you answer, the next page appears another question, asking you to select all options related to your business.

By using a multi-step signup process, users only see a few fields on the page at a time, rather than the 14 required fields needed to complete it. 


It’s important to vet what is really deemed “unnecessary.”

During the user onboarding process, Wave asks for a logo. Once they have it, they automatically identify the brand colors and update the invoice template to match the branding.

Wave asking for a logo during the user onboarding experience

Some may think that this step is unnecessary and should be removed. 

But, after doing customer interviews, the Wave team found that this step gets users excited about the product and encourages them to continue using it.

Finding #4: Product tours should be action-focused vs. informational in nature.

People don't hate product tours.

They hate: 

  • One-size-fits-all guide
  • Being forced to the tour
  • Invasive pop-ups
  • Irrelevant steps

Ultimately, product tours should help put your users on the right track.

Let’s take a look at companies doing it right. 


The product tour shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all guide. 

In Evernote's case, they ask users how they intend to use the product to create a more personalized experience and help users achieve their goals.

Evernote user onboarding example for segmenting user behaviour


Users typically don’t like being forced into a product tour. So ask users if they would like to start as Sprig does.

Sprig user onboarding experience asking if users want to do a product tour


Product tours are typically between two to five but can be longer or shorter depending on the complexity of your product. The goal is to provide users with enough information to experience the product’s value without being overwhelmed by too many unnecessary steps. 

ZenDesk uses four steps in its product tour. 

Zendesk's product tour example


Product tours should cover important step(s) that set users up for success using the product.

So ask yourself: What are the first few steps a user needs to take to get value from the product?

To get started with Hotjar, one of the first questions they ask is: where do you want to install Hotjar

Best user onboarding example: Hotjar's get started question

Then, Hotjar automatically generates a code so users can install it on their website straight away. 

Hotjar's installation method options


AirTable asks users to select a template to get them started with the product.

Notice the background? 

Airtable's get started guide

High-performing product tours often utilize “focus mode,” where all unnecessary elements like the navigation bar are stripped away from the product until the user completes the product tour.

Finding #5: Segmenting users increases their likelihood to finish onboarding

Context and segment matter. 

Most products have many different features, and the majority of the time, a user arrives to find a solution to one problem. 

By helping users accomplish their desired outcome from the start, they’re more likely to see its value and adopt the product. 


That’s why Miro asks users what they want to do with the product. 

Miro's onboarding question to help guide segmentation

This allows them to segment and tailors their onboarding experience to the intended outcome of each user. 


Same with Typeform – they ask what you’ll mainly be using the product for.

Typeform's questions to answer to help set up the account during the onboarding experience


This doesn’t even need to be complicated. Instead of asking about a users’ challenge or goal, you can simply ask what team they’re on. 

This is what Airtable does.

Best user onboarding example: Airtable onboarding question

Users then see popular templates based on their chosen team to help them experience the First Strike as quickly as possible. 

Airtable shows popular templates based on chosen team.

Finding #6: Describing “what” and not “why”– a strong focus on the users’ goal is the most important step most companies fail to address.

Often, teams approach the content of signup screens and onboarding elements as a low priority—and it shows. It’s usually focused on product features rather than communicating the benefits of these features. 

This is a mistake.

Every word in the entire customer onboarding process is an opportunity to speak to users’ needs and desires. This is the ultimate motivation — show users how the product can help improve their lives.

Use content to amplify the solution to their current pain points, calm their anxieties, and help them to overcome their existing habits. 


Let’s go back to the example with Wave. The third step in the signup process reminds new users of the value of their invoicing software. 

To the left, it reads: Designed to get you paid 3x faster.

It’s not only great social proof but a great boost of motivation. After all, who doesn’t want to get paid three times faster?

Best user onboarding example: Wave's third step in the signup process


Going back to Sprig, they call out a leading solution to the right as you set your account up: We’ll automatically customize your company name to increase response rates. 

Sprig giving prompts during the onboarding experience

Dropbox Paper

Another example is Dropbox Paper

They don't say, "You have ZERO files." 

Instead, they describe the value of Dropbox Paper with a CTA to get started: Create and edit docs without leaving Dropbox.

Dropbox's empty state not being empty


Grammarly takes an approach of “learning by doing.” Users see a document already filled out with highlighted grammar mistakes so that they can see the program in action from the get-go. 

Grammarly's demo document with suggestions

Notice how the last two examples are great examples of using empty states to your advantage. 

This brings us to our next findings. 

Finding #7: Show helpful empty states that encourage the user to complete the next step

Most SaaS products are relatively boring when you first log in. There's no data specific to the user; it's just the raw application. So, when you first log in to an application, what do you show people? Do you show them dummy data?

Instead, use the empty state to show people what they need to do to successfully set up their account and experience meaningful value in the product.

When it comes to deciding what items to include in an empty state, make sure to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What steps do I need for a user to experience a quick win in the product?
  2. What mandatory steps are there in my onboarding process?
  3. How can I make sure that the majority of users complete this step?

If you ask yourself those three questions, you'll have a much better idea of what items you should include in an empty state.


In Gmail's case, they use an empty state to help the user set up their account. As you can see, each of the items listed in Gmail's empty state guides users to set up and personalize their accounts.

Gmail's empty state has a get started guide in the onboarding experience.

Story Chief

For Story Chief, they personalize the empty state and encourage users to craft their first story.

Storychief user onboarding example empty states


For Buffer, they use an empty state to encourage users to connect their social media accounts. If you think about it, nobody is ever going to use Buffer unless they complete this step.

So the Buffer team has done a great job ensuring that people connect their social media accounts right from the beginning.

How Buffer uses their empty state

With empty states, avoid showing zeroes or stating negative statements. Stay positive and reiterate the value of the product.

Then direct users to the next step to experience it.

Finding #8: Behavior-based emails are great prompts to encourage users to re-enter the product

It’s best to avoid a purely time-based email flow.

The problem with this approach is:

  • It does not consider what the user has already done in your product.
  • It does not personalize the emails to drive users to the next step in the onboarding process.
  • It does not adapt to users' needs, anxieties, and challenges.

To avoid coming across as annoying and spammy, trigger emails based on users’ actions they have or have not taken inside the product. This ensures that the communication is both timely and relevant. 


Wistia’s Soapbox product is a perfect example of a usage-based onboarding email. After users create their first video, they send a usage-tip email to encourage them to share it with someone.

Soapbox's amazing and fun onboarding email


Another type of onboarding email is a case study. This could include a video testimonial, customer story, or old-fashioned case study. InVision does this by showcasing some of the incredible designs their customers have created with the product.

Best user onboarding example: Invision's onboarding email with testimonial


Don’t forget about Welcome Emails! They typically have high open rates, and while it’s tempting to put a lot of product features in the email, it should only have two purposes. 

First, you need to train your audience to open your emails. Second, you need to set the expectation of what's coming next.

Fiverr also does a great job at this with their welcome onboarding email.

Fiverr's welcome onboarding email

It's a creative dude who looks like someone I could hang out with at a bar.

The call-to-action (CTA) reads, "Get Sh*t Done." 

This email is full of character and personality. It’s likable! 


The best time to send out your sales touch emails is as soon as someone experiences something meaningful.

For Databox, this is when you create and customize your first dashboard.

Databox's onboarding email

Notice how the email doesn't come across as "salesy," and the goal of the message is to help me get more value out of the platform.

Get expert help perfecting your user onboarding

User onboarding is just a means to an end – a better life for users. 

Did you know 40% to 60% of users who sign up will never return to check out your product after that first experience?

That’s a major loss.

Yet, most users sign up because they genuinely want to experience the value of your product.

That’s why they signed up, after all.

However, a ton of challenges can get in their way.

Maybe your signup process is too long with too many unnecessary steps. Maybe there’s a value gap. Maybe you’re treating users as customers too early.

To successfully onboard SaaS users, they must quickly and easily experience value.

An effortless experience is the key.

You need to make onboarding effortless for users to sign up, experience value, and upgrade. This is exactly what we do at ProductLed Academy.

If you’ve been taking notes on the best onboarding practices from our examples but are still unsure which approach will make the most impact, it might be time to work with a product-led coach.

Our coaching program helps you optimize your onboarding with a proven framework designed to deliver value to users faster. Onboarding is one of nine components that Wes Bush and product-led specialists focus on in our three-phase system to scale your business and break through your PLG growth plateau.

Discover more about the benefits of our coaching program.

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