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The Best of the Best: 10 Brilliant Lessons from our PLG Experts

Laura Kluz

Head of Content at ProductLed.

Laura Kluz

Head of Content at ProductLed.

Last Updated
June 11, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
5 minutes

Table of Contents

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From onboarding secrets to PLG metrics and beyond, the ProductLed Summit explores the most valuable topics for PLG professionals–right now. These insights from top product-led experts give you the tools you need to become great at product-led growth. 

With our next Summit right around the corner, we wanted to take a second to share the top content from these events–all of which have resonated with our audience and still provide value today.

Every presentation (and article) was carefully crafted by our experts with the goal of helping you grow and build a successful product-led business. 

The Top 10 Content from the ProductLed Summits

  • FIve common mistakes PLG companies make on their websites
  • Netflix's 2020 product strategy
  • How to Use Date to Inform Product Strategy
  • Secrets of Great New User Onboarding
  • A proven framework for product-led growth
  • Every Onboarding Mistake I made (So You Don't Have To)
  • The "Disneyland" Strategy: Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to Personalize Your Product's User Onboarding
  • Can Behavioral Economics Help You Build Better Products? 
  • 5 Marketing Programs That Will Increase Your Retention (Without Breaking The Bank) 
  • How to Decide What Features You Should Give Away For Free vs. Which Ones To Gate

Five common mistakes PLG companies make on their websites

When it comes to seeing how visitors interact on a web page, Lucky Orange is one of the masters–they’re all about conversions and performance. By using a heatmap, you can gain some valuable insights into your audience and what encourages them to act–or not.

Sarah Bond, Senior Director of Marketing Strategy at Lucky Orange, shares five common mistakes product-led companies make on their websites, before jumping into exactly how you can learn from them to increase those conversions.

From pricing pages to the navigation, Sarah hits on the life and blood of any business, with real data insights to look out for. You can read all of them here.

Netflix’s 2020 product strategy

The world’s largest streaming service gave us a rundown on its 2020 product strategy. Gibson Biddle, Netflix’s VP of Product, shares why Netflix is such a trusted brand, and what it does to stand out.

He provides an inside look at the role of their product team, and the top engagement metrics they prioritize, along with a rolling roadmap on how they hit those KPIs. 

For anyone looking into how big brands approach product, you’ll want to check this one out

How to Use Data to Inform Product Strategy

How can you combine product strategy with analytics to build a better product?

This question is at the heart of Justin Bauer’s presentation. The EVP of Product at Amplitude talks about the three elements that all product-led companies share:

  1. Set a vision and create clarity through a clear and measurable North Star
  2. Set a strategy, integrating behavioral science into their decision-making frameworks
  3. Results-oriented, accountable to outcomes

Curious to learn more about each and how you can conquer them as a product-led company? Read all about it here

Secrets of Great New User Onboarding 

Onboarding is the process of moving a brand new user into a highly engaged power user. Robbie Allan, the Lead Product Manager at Intercom, shares the transition the company went through and how it meant a shift in their approach to onboarding.

The results speak for themselves: a 2x increase in activation rate for customers who initially struggled with the product. To do this, they focused on these 4 principles to create, streamline, and improve various onboarding sequences:

1) Focus on the jobs, not features

2) Onboard everyone

3) Show (if you can’t, do!)

4) Remove non-essential friction

Read on to learn more about how they pulled it off. 

A proven framework for product-led growth

Growing your SaaS business with a PLG approach means leading with the product, rather than relying on sales. In this presentation, Eric Keating, VP of Marketing at Appcues, shares The Product-Led Growth Flywheel–a framework to do just that.

Unlike the sales funnel, the flywheel model builds momentum from one phase to the next, rather than leaking customers along the way.

This article shows how to use this flywheel model to align your entire company around customer success, while also discovering the key actions that users need to take to graduate to the next stage of the customer journey.

Every Onboarding Mistake I Made (So You Don't Have To) 

Melanie Crissey, Product Marketer, Growth & Adoption at FullStory, shares the original onboarding sequence at the company, along with the many problems they found with it. 

With a deep look into this onboarding journey, you’ll gain an understanding of what worked (and didn’t) with their onboarding process, including real metrics, their goals, and the stuff they tweaked to hit those KPIs.  

Learn all the details here.

The "Disneyland" Strategy: Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to Personalize Your Product's User Onboarding 

Imagine if you went to Disneyland and found out you would have to follow a predetermined, one-size-fits-all route and schedule through the park. 

Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? 

But for most companies, their user onboarding is precisely this – a one-size-fits-all, linear experience for everyone.

This might work with early-stage products, where that kind of focus helps channel all resources to achieving product-market fit. But, as your product’s features grow, expand, and mature, people sign up for your product for many different reasons.

This article written by our very own Managing Director Ramli John goes into detail on how you can personalize your onboarding experience to avoid disappointing users and instead, delight them with a unique experience.  

Can Behavioral Economics Help You Build Better Products? 

Building products that people want to buy, use, and engage with requires a deep understanding of people and how they think. The more you understand how people think, the better products you can create.

This is where behavioral economics comes in. 

Ketan Nayak from Coalition dives into some key concepts of behavioral economics and how it ties with some fascinating real-life product building stories.

Check it out here.

5 Marketing Programs That Will Increase Your Retention (Without Breaking The Bank) 

A retention marketing strategy focuses on existing customers and keeping them connected to the business. It is also an effective way to target customers who have done business with your company before.

Many product-led businesses face a significant problem - the risk of customers growing tired of relentless marketing emails.

Retention Marketing Manager at Litmus Lyla Rozelle shares five marketing experiments that help increase retention without breaking the bank.

Curious to know what they are? Hop on over here to find out. 

How to Decide What Features You Should Give Away For Free vs. Which Ones To Gate

What should you give away for free, and what should you reserve for your paying customers?

If you offer any free membership or sign-up option, you’ve probably battled with this question on more than one occasion. Balancing free user growth and monetization is difficult, especially when deciding which features to give away for free and which to keep for paying customers.

Product Manager at Vidyard Ashton Rankin walks through their decision-making process around their initial launch and how they continue to expand their offerings. You’ll also learn a simple exercise to help you and your team make confident decisions going forward.

Check it out here. 

If any of these presentations resonated with you, be sure to check out ProductLed Summit 6. It’s jam-packed with juicy content from PLG experts to help you become great at product-led growth.

Happy Growing!

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