Guide Users Engaged With Product Bumpers

Welcome Messages

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About This Course

This course is like a crash course in dissecting what the top 1% of SaaS companies are doing when onboarding their users — so that you get inspired and drive incredible activation and free-to-paid conversions in your own organization.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the product bumpers you can use to help guide users to their very first “Aha!” moment
  • Identify common mistakes when it comes to product tours, tooltips, empty states, and other product bumpers
  • Create and start implementing a plan to improve your product’s product bumpers

Ramli John:
The second thing is welcome messages. Welcome messages for me is also very super critical. Imagine you're going through a party for the first time. A dinner party. You walk in as a guest. You expect the host to greet you, to say at least, "Hi." It's one of the things that all users that hit your landing page or your app for the first time will see. This is like 100% viewability, exactly.

Ramli John:
There are things that you can do here. You can set expectation style, talk a little bit about more, but one of my favorite ones is Userlist. This is great, especially if you're coming across as very personal and I know, Michael from BombBomb, is part of this program. They are big on video. I'm also quite big on video. Anytime you can show personality, if you could, if that's part of your brand is personal fun, welcome them with a video. This is what Userlist is Jane and I'm actually going to have her speak in this program as a bonus near the end of the program in November, is that when you sign up for Userlist for the first time, you are welcomed with a video from three founders. They all say, "hi." They all tell you why they created this, how they want to help you and how you can reach out to them any single time. They provide your email address even. Really, really love this.

Ramli John:
One of the reasons why a video like this is so greatest in Robert Cialdini's book, in his book, there's this concept called the principle of liking. It's one of his concept that helps people, it's an emotional trigger that helps people say yes to you more often is that if somebody likes you or whether that's because they look similar to you or they give you a compliment or you share a mutual goal with somebody, you're more likely to be persuaded with them. So having that personal human touch and human face really does make a big difference.

Ramli John:
Another one is deputy's welcome message here. We'll come around, we start by choosing one of the options here. What are some things that you like about this or dislike about this? For me, it's great that they're giving you an option. One of the struggles we'll talk about with a product tour is it's just pushing you into the product tour. Here, they're clearly pushing you into giving you the option whether you can just go ahead and try scheduling, or even watching a tutorial to do that.

Ramli John:
HEY's welcome message is a little bit different. They say, "Welcome to HEY, let's take a quick walk through." What I really love what HEY did is that they are one of the best onboarding experience where they clearly set the expectation. It is very copy focused. A lot of words you're going to find versus visual, but what I love about that is that they can really explain to you what's next. In this case, what's next is you're going to the inbox and you get to decide who gets to your inbox or not through this screener.

Ramli John:
Really my point here is if you don't have a welcome message, you think it's friction. I'm adding an extra step here. But it really does, it sets expectation in the tone for the rest of the experience that they're going to have. You can direct them. You can make it personal, like I said.

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Ramli John
Ramli John
Managing Director at ProductLed
Author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding: How to Turn Users into Lifelong Customers.