Guide Users Engaged With Product Bumpers


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About This Course

This course is like a crash course in dissecting what the top 1% of SaaS companies are doing when onboarding their users — so that you get inspired and drive incredible activation and free-to-paid conversions in your own organization.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the product bumpers you can use to help guide users to their very first “Aha!” moment
  • Identify common mistakes when it comes to product tours, tooltips, empty states, and other product bumpers
  • Create and start implementing a plan to improve your product’s product bumpers

Ramli John:
Hello everybody. This is Ramlee John, your instructor for this course. This is How to Guide Your Users and Your Product and Your Onboarding Experience with Product Bumpers.

Ramli John:
Before you take this course, make sure that you've taken the one that Wes teaches about building your [inaudible 00:00:17] on the onboarding experience. It's all about how to minimize the time to value. In that, we talked about how to think about what your first strike for your users are, designing a straight line onboarding experience. And today this course is focused on product bumpers. We're just helping show users what to do inside of your product using helpful tool tips and other things so they can achieve their first strike.

Ramli John:
In this course, I have three main objectives that I wanted to achieve. First, I want to help you understand the importance of product bumpers. Second, I want to help you learn common product bumpers in most onboarding experience. I'm going to be showing you some examples from different companies, including Intercom, [inaudible 00:00:01:02], and Canva. And third, I'm going to show you a tear down of an in-app onboarding experience, and I'm going to be particularly focusing on Canva. So let's jump right in.

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Ramli John
Ramli John
Managing Director at ProductLed
Author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding: How to Turn Users into Lifelong Customers.