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How The Sales And Marketing Team Work Together In A Product-Led Company

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Last Updated
June 11, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
2 minutes

Table of Contents

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Karishma Rajaratnam is the former Head of Growth at ChartMogul, the world’s first subscription data platform is designed to help make consolidate and clean billing data easy. ChartMogul can help businesses understand the dynamics of their business and see where they need to focus their efforts. In this episode, Karishma talked about the marketing channels they have tapped, how they work seamlessly with their sales team, and how the sales team deals with warm outbounds. 

Show Notes

[02:19] What ChartMogul is

[03:14] What their primary focus is right now

[03:59] How they work with the sales team

[06:30] Tasks their sales team are currently handling

[07:38] Marketing channels they have tapped

[10:55] What her functions are

[12:42] How they work seamlessly with their sales team

[13:47] How often they get together with the sales team

[15:10] How the company’s sales functions has evolved

[15:15] Their basic version of a PQL

[18:08] How the sales team deals with warm outbounds

[19:04] Tools they use to segment the experiences

[20:47] Piece of advice she would like to give to product-led companies

[22:30] Where people can find out more

About Karishma Rajaratnam

Karishma Rajaratnam is a brilliant marketer passionate about growing the SaaS business. She is the former Head of Growth at ChartMogul where she leads the acquisition, onboarding, and engagement. She is also in charge of partner marketing, content and customer marketing, and product marketing and GTM. Karishma is also advisor to early-stage founders and works with startups like TechStars, SaasBoomi, and Co.labs.  


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