Understand The End User


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About This Course

But before you build and grow a product-led business, you need to first take a step back to understand your users. Because ultimately, knowing and understanding your users' motivations and anxieties is the foundation of delivering value to your end users.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn how to get your entire team onboard with helping your users become successful
  • Identify the role every team plays in a product-led organization
  • Discuss the “Four Progress Making forces” from the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework
  • Determine what success looks like for different market segments using your products

Ramli John:
Hello everybody. This is Ramli John. I'm going to be the instructor for this course all about understanding your end user. Now, this is so critical in whether you're transferring from self-lead to product-led, or just trying to improve your onboarding experience.

Ramli John:
If you don't understand what your end user really signed up for, or what is it they truly want, then none of the things that you're going to learn later on is going to matter because everything starts off with a good foundation. And that foundation starts with knowing what your user really wants and understanding who they are and what they're all about.

Ramli John:
In this course, I'm going to be going through three main outcomes. The first is to define what end user success looks like for different market segments using your products. Second, I'm going to be going through four progress making forces. And third, we're going to be talking a little bit more about audience research to validate your hypothesis about your user.

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Ramli John
Ramli John
Managing Director at ProductLed
Author of the bestselling book Product-Led Onboarding: How to Turn Users into Lifelong Customers.