Growth Loops with Ognjen Bošković [podcast]

Ognjen Bošković

Growth Lead at CXL

Ognjen Bošković

Growth Lead at CXL

Last Updated
June 7, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
1 minute

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Ognjen Bošković is Growth Lead at CXL, one of the strongest communities in the growth and marketing. He's also the founder of Executors, a community of growth experts driving real growth.

In this interview, he reveals why growth loops are the new funnels and how CXL became one of the strongest players in their field, relying on content marketing.

Show Notes

[2:45] How did your career lead you to CXL? 

[7:53] From his experience, how does he balance his time and resources between content creation and content distribution?

[13:39] Experimentation is key in figuring out what type of content your audience wants. 

[14:10] Consistent output is the secret to a growth metric 

[17:48] Product-led companies sometimes hesitate to invest in investing a lot into content marketing due to the perception that the ROI is insecure and it takes a while.

[21:49] Focus on building the growth model and understanding how things will grow.

[23:33] The effect of doing proper content marketing is building one of the most secure modes you can build. 

[27:20] Growth loops are what make the company grow fast

[29:13] What are some of the super cases that excite him about growth loops? 

[33:13] Advice on how people who are new to growth loops should approach growth loops? How can product-led companies manifest growth loops into their daily lives? 

[34:15] Look for elements in your product that bring the most value to your users

[38:51] How is the growth loop connected with the customer life cycle?


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