The Product-Led Growth Playbook for B2B Startups [podcast]

Mark Roberge

Managing Director at Stage 2 Capital.

Mark Roberge

Managing Director at Stage 2 Capital.

Last Updated
June 24, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
2 minutes

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Mark Roberge is a leader in the sales world. He is currently co-founder of Stage 2 Capital, the first venture capital firm run and backed by over 300 GTM executives. He is also a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School. Prior to these roles, Mark served as founding CRO at HubSpot from $0 to IPO. He is the author of the bestseller “The Sales Acceleration Formula” which became a guideline for start-up companies in growing their revenue and building a winning sales team. 

He’s in the show to introduce to us his playbook which revolves around product-led growth for B2B startups. Get ready to learn some insightful lessons from this renowned industry expert. 

Show Notes

[0:44] On creating a playbook for his PLG startup. 

[3:32] The best of class teams have to set up a cross-functional team of marketing plus product and put it under the product.

[8:44] How category creation has become such an important part of entrepreneurship.

[12:27] PLG tends to focus the organization on usage first as opposed to revenues.

[14:03] The reason why free user attention is the hardest metric. 

[14:49] Pro tip: Find a scalable, cost-effective way to generate users

[16:35] Mark talks about the last part of the value metric, monetization 

[18:42] You don’t start there as a seek funding business doing growth. 

[19:42] What the best class engineerings do is specialize their engineering teams and product teams by roadmap to improve growth

[21:22] Create your growth team to be cross-functional with both product engineering plus marketing capabilities

[21:36] Set your company up to be data-driven rapid experimentation, an organization that focuses on the Northstar 



The Sales Acceleration Formula by Mark Roberge


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