Product-Led Growth in 2023 and Its Future with Wes Bush 

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Last Updated
June 24, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
2 minutes

Table of Contents

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Step into the world of product-led growth (PLG) with Wes Bush, the author of the popular book "Product-Led Growth: How to Build a Product That Sells Itself." In this episode, Wes talks about common misunderstandings about the product-led model and shares insights about its promising future.

Dr. Else van der Berg, the founder of Sonderhouse, is also part of the conversation as a guest host. Together with Wes, they have a fascinating discussion, exploring the important idea of focusing on providing value before making money. They also talk about using product free trials, the need for organizations to change their thinking, and the complex task of making sure users find value in what's offered.

Key Takeaways: 

[1:00] How Wes Bush got into the product-led field
[4:10] Four components of business
[4:55} Comparing sales-led and product-led companies
[6:00] Organizational and cultural shift to move to PLG
[9:00] Balancing broad AI tools and targeting specific user profiles
[11:50] Utilizing BJ Fogg’s behavior model for identifying ideal users
[14:15] Potential for PLF targeting enterprise clients
[17:15] Importance of value creation before value capture
[17:50] Changing landscape of freemium
[18:40] Future of PLG
[22:00] Differentiation play, freemium in niche markets, and expanding target audiences
[24:45] Mindset shift required for PLG success
[27:00] Wes shares his biggest mistake in growth
[30:30] Challenge of designing a core value proposition
[35:15] Role and leadership skills for driving PLG initiatives
[38:00] User success becomes the company’s success

About Wes Bush: 

Wes Bush is an author and expert in PLG and founder of the all-in-one educational platform ProductLed. With a passion for helping companies shift their focus from sales-led to product-led strategies, he believes that delivering value to users before monetization is key to success. 


Wes Bush | LinkedIn

Dr. Else van der Berg | LinkedIn 

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