PLG False Starts with Kyle Poyar

Kyle Poyar

Operating Partner at OpenView.

Kyle Poyar

Operating Partner at OpenView.

Last Updated
June 13, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
1 minute

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Transitioning to Product-Led Growth involves continuous iteration and learning. While successful case studies and impactful experiments are often highlighted, it's essential to acknowledge the behind-the-scenes reality. 

Behind each success story, there are often multiple failed attempts. In our "PLG False Starts" series, we uncover the untold stories and failures behind Product-Led Growth implementations, offering valuable insights. Today, we have Kyle from OpenView joining us to share his learnings. Kyle is an accomplished professional dedicated to helping OpenView's portfolio companies achieve exceptional growth and establish themselves as market leaders.

Show notes:

[0:57] The two most common pitfalls when attempting to incorporate your PLP concept.

[5:28] Kyle provides an explanation of the role of the operating partner at OpenView.

[7:50] What are Kyle's observations on the shortcomings of PLG and their reasons?

[11:05] Why is it detrimental for representatives to label every free user, and what approaches can companies take instead?

[18:25] The recommended Playbook by Kyle for companies in their early stages.

[22:39] How sales can be utilized to discover and expand into other teams within an organization, boosting business growth.

[34:19] Does Kyle believe in implementing custom tiers to facilitate strategic and more meaningful conversations with sales?

About Kyle Poyar: 

Kyle Poyar's dedication to helping companies achieve product-led growth, optimize pricing and packaging, and develop effective go-to-market strategies has solidified his position as a trusted advisor and industry influencer. His contributions to the tech ecosystem have helped numerous companies unlock their true potential and establish themselves as leaders in their respective markets.



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