How to Turn Signups Into Revenue

Thomas Schiavone

CEO & Co-Founder at Calixa.

Thomas Schiavone

CEO & Co-Founder at Calixa.

Last Updated
January 6, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
1 minute

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A better understanding of product-led sales will help you succeed and grow as a successful product-led business.

In our latest podcast, Wes Bush welcomes Thomas Schiavone, co-founder, and CEO of Calixa to share his insights on how to turn signups into revenue.

In this episode, you’ll learn about the different tests to implement, how to prioritize your projects, and the crucial questions you need to ask yourself to monetize your product-led funnel.

Key takeaways:

[02:12] There are three questions you need to consider.

[03:42] There's time to build a platform for all these companies that are scaling to enable product-led motion.

[04:25] What should you think about your sign-ups?

[07:08] Test your PLG motion!

[09:48] Prioritize the people, but what are you going to do next?

[17:29] There are things we should consider to start an effective revenue

[21:29] What additional suggestions does Thomas have for testing and generating revenue?

[25:50] Try different experiments and apply what works to create upscale opportunities!

[30:17] Keep an eye out for the two crucial things Thomas mentioned that you should consider.

[32:02] Company size matters!

About Thomas Schiavone

He is a co-founder and CEO of Calixa. Thomas Schiavone has also worked as a Product Team at Twilio in the past.

About Calixa

Calixa offers sales teams the insights they need to prioritize, close, and develop clients in a sea of self-service signups.


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