10 Elements that Make a Terrible Product-Led Business

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Wes Bush

Founder of ProductLed and bestselling author of Product-Led Growth.

Last Updated
September 10, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
1 minute

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In this episode, Wes will dive into discovering the key to and the right practice in business growth. Get ready to step out of our usual perspective. Instead, shift your mind to think the exact opposite to create a unique product-led approach.

Show Notes

[0:48] What is inverse thinking?

[3:05] Set a terrible first impression!

[4:00] Provide a Facebook sign-up experience.

[6:38] How can you nail your product-led business model?

[8:25] Make the product's adoption experience more difficult.

[11:58] Let people experience the product in a harder way.

[12:50] Use technical jargon and build endless features.

[13:57] The product's price should be hidden and confusing.

[15:40] Looking for support? Do not provide any way for people to reach out.

[17:00] Entering a new product-led transition, but not making a significant change.

[18:56] Do not make the cancellation experience easy; make it tricky.

About Wes Bush

Wes is a multi-talented individual who helps business teams get their best product-led results. He is passionate about working with diverse people around the globe to empower teams to turn their product into powerful growth.


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